Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mr. Mouse in my House (Part 2)

A while back I posted about the mouse I spotted inside of my house.

I set up some catch and release traps for it, but those were unsuccessful. After about a month after first seeing one I hadn't seen or heard anything since.

On a different note, I had also been seeing some Spider Crickets in the house as well, mostly in the laundry room and bathroom. They're pretty much harmless, but they're creepy looking. I had one jump right in front of me as I was walking to the kitchen to make coffee one morning. It scared the crap out me and I jumped about a mile high, my pre-caffine body was not alert enough for that.

So at this point,  had pretty much forgotten about the mouse and I was trying to figure out a way to deal the with the creepy crickets. I doubled up on the spray I use around the house to prevent bugs and I also set out some sticky traps in the rooms I had been seeing them in. The sticky traps were pretty effective and cut down on the number of crickets I had to catch/kill and dispose of.

YOU GUYS a mouse got stuck in one :(

I found him when I got up one morning. He was so small and he looked really sad. Most of the fur on his underside was stuck to the trap, along with 3/4ths of his legs and his face. I felt pretty bad, he kept trying to pull away but he was stuck pretty good. I tried to get him unstuck with some vegetable oil but it wasn't enough to get him off of the trap.

I couldn't just leave him alone in the trap to starve to death, so I had to kill him. It was sad and I think I will be using the regular, classic mouse trap or catch and release from now on.

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