Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Greats: High School: Mrs. Harrold

Mrs. Harrold:

I was told by so many people, "don't take Mrs. Harrold's AP Euro class! It's so hard! you will literally die!" So naturally, not wanting to die over a ton of course work, I didn't take it.

That did afford me the opportunity to have Mrs. Custred (who was amazing), but I probably missed out on an awesome class. I decided later to take a sign language course, because it seemed interesting but also because some of my friends were doing it. Mrs. Harrold taught sign language and I loved it so much I signed up for the second signing class too.  I even joined the sign language club in high school and I still remember a lot of what I learned and try to practice occasionally.

She did a great job of, not only teaching us sign language, but teaching us why it was important and teaching us about Deaf (and deaf) culture. Having a well-rounded view on the way signing was created and the challenges that face the Deaf community gives so much more meaning and context to an already beautiful language.

After taking her class I could see why her history class was hard, and it was because she is so passionate about everything she does. She gives 110% all of the time and expects the same enthusiasm from her students. She wears Christmas themed outfits leading up to the holidays, she is honest when giving feedback, and she cares deeply about every single student that walks through her doors. Mrs. Patti Harrold is well loved by her other staff members and by her students. I'm sad that I missed out on her European History class but I was extremely blessed to have her as a teacher.

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